An amazingly interesting blog article about dung beetles
I won a radio phonein yesterday on Cross Rhythms yesterday. Apparently the prize is a magazine and a cd which is better than nothing!
Aaaaaages I ago I was looking for a utility to make certain programs hide in the taskbar….I’ve now found one called Out Of Sight but can I remember what program I wanted to hide????
The bloke who runs Digital Blasphemy is a fantastic artist – get free images or sign up and get access to ALL his images!
Blogworks is a free asp blogging server app that sits on your asp server. Looks neat. The two drawbacks that I see is that it needs a writeable asp page (bad news) in the published webspace and that you can only have one person blogging (or one userid). However, expect that to change soon as it is open source.
For some reason I can’t use blogbuddy on the pc at home so I am having to do this in the web browser! has a lot of useful links in a bookmark page thing..worth looking at
My latest toy has arrived! I’ve just got a UR-Disk that is a solid state device that plugs into your usb port and doesn’t need drivers installed on the pc (unless you are running win98). Its a small keyring sized thing and this version can hold 32mb. Enough to hold files to transfer from home to work and also have all my passwords in an encrypted safe. Cost £21 from dabs or you can get them in the states too. Performance is dead fast too!
Gee I wish I could have a job that paid megabucks by designing banknotes….but then again I’d have to make sure that they actually last more than a week! Apparently the new five pound note serial numbers have started to rub off so they’ve had to recall and stop issuing the new fraud proof notes! More details at the beeb
finally found an email client that is small, fast and can send emails with a nonstandard email address. Now if I need to send emails from a “one off” account on my domain I can use SC-Unimail to enter the to/from and mail server and then send the email….It could also send mailbombs if you are naughty but in this day and age it would just get your account disabled in about 5 minutes so not really worth it for that!
get the manual