For those of you who

For those of you who are concerned over the links below, its part of a Google Bomb campaign (oh oh – now that phrase means the CIA and MI5 will be monitoring my web page!) to ensure that sickos searching for that information get a bit of sense knocked into them. (and yes it is (almost) safe to click on them. – there is just one dodgy word on the web page.)

Yet another change for hotmail

Yet another change for hotmail – if you dont move items from your sent items folder they will be deleted after 30 days!
“Please note that starting in July, e-mail messages retained in your Sent Messages folder will be deleted after 30 days. If you have e-mails in your Sent Messages folder that you want to keep, you must transfer them to your Inbox or another folder prior to the 30-day expiration. “

mmmmmmm – had a new

mmmmmmm – had a new taste in Chinese cooking last night – decided to have Kung Po chicken – which is a pretty hot spicy flavour but still fairly sweet (which is nice as I have a sweet tooth). I had no idea what it was going to taste like – it was a random choice from the menu. Tasted really good though. Mind you, the water chestnuts looked suspiciously like nail clippings from elephant toes 🙂 (only joking!)