Information for the previous two links were found at microcontent which has a long article about influencing google through the blog which makes interesting reading, especially after the Google challenge was removed.
For those of you who are concerned over the links below, its part of a Google Bomb campaign (oh oh – now that phrase means the CIA and MI5 will be monitoring my web page!) to ensure that sickos searching for that information get a bit of sense knocked into them. (and yes it is (almost) safe to click on them. – there is just one dodgy word on the web page.)
ooh! You can sign up for eval copies of various ms software .Note they do expire so dont run your business on them!
A useful Browser check page is available that will check to see if your web browser is vulnerable to several dodgy java scripts that can do malicious things on your pc. Note that the clipboard test will probably show you are vulnerable! However if you have kept uptodate with windowsupdate then you should pass the rest of the tests with flying colours.
Yet another change for hotmail – if you dont move items from your sent items folder they will be deleted after 30 days!
“Please note that starting in July, e-mail messages retained in your Sent Messages folder will be deleted after 30 days. If you have e-mails in your Sent Messages folder that you want to keep, you must transfer them to your Inbox or another folder prior to the 30-day expiration. “
Boo – Hiss! The google challenge has been shut down – probably due to the number of people searching for the words Elephants Toes – oh well!
ASDL is no slouch – it even turned up in the house 24 hours early! What can I say but WOW! If you are wondering whether to get ASDL or not then I certainly recommend it.
mmmmmmm – had a new taste in Chinese cooking last night – decided to have Kung Po chicken – which is a pretty hot spicy flavour but still fairly sweet (which is nice as I have a sweet tooth). I had no idea what it was going to taste like – it was a random choice from the menu. Tasted really good though. Mind you, the water chestnuts looked suspiciously like nail clippings from elephant toes 🙂 (only joking!)