Hmmmm – looks like atomz is not searching through my archive posts, which are asp pages, as I get the message “Nothing to index in document” in the log files, even though there is stuff in the webpage. Will have to see why it is doing that.
I’ve now changed the frequency that the front page is archived. Instead of being monthly, its now weekly. This is mainly due to the fact that I am writing a lot more on the web page. By archiving weekly, this will keep the front page smaller and therefore quicker to download. It will also help when searching this website as the data will be found in individual web pages rather than one long one!
Let me know what you think by filling in the comments!
Created my own template for Enetation
Changed my comments over to Enetation’s comment system. unfortunately this means the old comments have gone (for now).
Wanna see what my website looks like in Lynx – the text only browser?
Now this looks cool, and just what i’ve been wanting – an application that works with Microsofts Messenger. You add a contact and then your webpages (blogs) that you want to monitor and it sends you an instant message when the webpage changes!
Thanks to Life of a one man IT department – and I know how that feels!
Wow – even though the google challenge is over, my site still came in tenth in the list!
Also, for the first time, If you own XP Home or XP Pro, you can legally downgrade and install any Windows desktop OS and be legal. This is on the Microsoft website (note the link is a word document) and went into effect September 1, 2001, but, again, no one said anything.
I received this in an email today, so if you are interested then let me know either by comment or email.
“I should like to ask you if you are a direct descendant of THOMAS THE BARRISTER? I am through one of his daughters, Anne, and through my grandmother have in my possession a prayer book which has written inside it Thos.Helsby of Gateacre 1810, Wm.Helsby, 1829 and Thos: 1855. The latter signature is exactly the same as one on a portrait that Geoffrey de Helsby in America possesses as he is a direct descendant of Thomas. Unfortunately he does not have any male heirs and I am looking for someone who I could give the book to. My own family, I feel, would not be interested in caring for the book. There are others in America who are descended from Thomas but we do not seem able to contact them. I wonder if you could help me? I know on your web site you say that your father copied the original scroll and thought, therefore, you may know who else is a direct descendant.”