PGP – you know that security program that is sooooo good that it encrypts your mails and other stuff that you don’t want theFeds to read – has had a second bug found in it. Admittedly this security hole, which allows others to run code on your machine is found in the outlook plugin, but surely this is a major problem – how can a relied upon security program have a flaw such as this…….Maybe its a consipiracy theory to stop people using outlook (like I have done but not for that reason). Oh and there is a patch available.
as you can tell from the webcam pictures, it is extremely hard to get photo’s of an 8 week old kitten!
If you are using donhosts (or any of their resellers) then you may not realise, but they are bouncing emails from yahoogroups – which is a right pain as that is what I use to send out family update emails including to some email address’s
Our newest addition is online and needs a name – any ideas?
Apparently I’m already in the blogdex – a list of blogs on the net. No idea how I got in there but its pretty cool!
Found a picture that *looks* similar to milo/cadbury/whateverhisnameischangedtonext
There’s an interesting security challenge laid down by the MCP Techmentor summit on Security where they invite you to hack their webserver. The hacking attempts will be recorded and analysed at the conference and later published on a cd rom. Sounds really interesting – just wish I could have got to the conference! Hopefully i’ll be able to get hold of a copy of the results via work!
I wish my digital camera was working 🙁
We had a new addition to the family called Milo – a tabby kitten about 8 weeks old. Winston and Frankie are being the older brothers and not sure how to react to him, although he reckons he rules the roost (at least when he’s not asleep that is!) Unfortunately the digital camera won’t focus and take pictures and I can’t get the webcam to capture the images – they appear ok in the picture program, but it won’t save individual pictures – however, keep an eye on the web page as I doubt it will be very long before he stars on his own web page.
Nice to see that BT are on the ball. Today I got a letter saying “I wanted you to be one of the first to know that BT Broadband is available now. In fact, you could order it online today, even before the service is advertised on TV”. Seeing as though i’ve had broadband for two weeks I think their marketing people need to a) check their customer database to send stuff out to eligible people and b) make sure that their customer services/marketing peeps are one of the first people to know when technology is available. Yet another reason why BT are incompetent.
Parking Clowns are the new breed of traffic wardens in Canterbury – totally over zealous with as much devotiion to duty as to their effort to raise funds through the fines. An interesting website that has been harassed by the local police several times due to their opinions being voiced – support the website!