Have uploaded two movies of the cats, mainly Basil playing with Frankie’s tail. 2mb and 3mb respectively, they can be found here and here. As they are Quicktime movie files, you will need quicktime installed which can be downloaded free of charge from Apple’s QuickTime website
Just checked my old blog and I’ve been blogging since March 2001. I could really do with importing it all into this blog somehow….will have to put that down on my to do list.
I’m off to go shoot some golf balls at the driving range – see ya!
Kristen and I have been busy with the digital camera today after seeing some cute kitten poses!
Also added a weather pixie so you can see what the weather is like where I am (hot at the moment) and also added the last 10 songs played with winamp (although winamp is not my preferred player, it does have the dll hook in to produce the listing, so either the listings won’t be updated to often OR I’ll start using it more and more often.
This made me laugh – suprisingly its less of a geek score than I was expecting!
I am 32% Geek
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the “normal” crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.
Take the Geek Test at fuali.com
Now Web Album Generator looks like a really nice application to generate photo albums on the web including thumbnails. I’ve downloaded it this morning and the Congleton Carnival album has been regenerated. The other advantage is that its free!
TomorrowToday is Systems Administrator day when you all have to tell us how wonderful we are! I’m celebrating by not being in the office as I have to go to a client – three days into my “new” role and I’ve been working for clients all 3 days….I am SO looking forward to the weekend.
I’ve switched my commenting system back to my own host now that enetation seems to be getting slower and slower.
Pictures from the Congleton Carnival are now available (will also be linked from the side bar under albums). These pictures were taken with my new Kodak DX3600 Camera which I am very pleased with. They’ve not come out too bad considering. Most pictures have not been edited in any way, so they are large. Some have been cropped or rotated in the case of portrait shots.
Let me know what you think!
Found Gibberations somehow and its a really neat site. Looks great and also has a few tricks using mysql and things. The owner either knows his stuff or knows how to integrate third party tools well….either way, its a nice site!
After two nights of not-a-lot-of-sleep I found out today that I am not being made redundant, which is a big relief. Its sad though that other people in the office have had to go. Life has changed big style this week! Can’t say too much because of who may or may not read this web page!