Kristen and I have been

Kristen and I have been busy with the digital camera today after seeing some cute kitten poses!
Also added a weather pixie so you can see what the weather is like where I am (hot at the moment) and also added the last 10 songs played with winamp (although winamp is not my preferred player, it does have the dll hook in to produce the listing, so either the listings won’t be updated to often OR I’ll start using it more and more often.

Pictures from the Congleton Carnival

Pictures from the Congleton Carnival are now available (will also be linked from the side bar under albums). These pictures were taken with my new Kodak DX3600 Camera which I am very pleased with. They’ve not come out too bad considering. Most pictures have not been edited in any way, so they are large. Some have been cropped or rotated in the case of portrait shots.
Let me know what you think!