After looking at the Blogtree site, i’ve found several other website that look neat and worth further investigagtion. Some of them i’ve already heard of….DayPop – index of most frequently linked blogs, and blogroots which seems to talk about publicity of blogs…need to keep an eye on both of these.
Thanks to Mike, I’ve found the . This is an interesting site where you can see what blogs inspired a particular person and which blogs they in turn inspired. At the moment I am the only one inspired by Chris @ Lockergnome but I bet that will soon change! I think that his was the site that inspired me to start a blog off myself..I know since then that I’ve been influenced by several other blogs, and I know for a fact i’ve inspired at least three others – will have to get them to sign their websites up!
If you’ve already looked at the wrestling photo’s then you may want to look at them again as I’ve added another ten or so photo’s. Most of these are of Basil asleep as that is all he seems to have done today.
Nice Sunday morning wake up call when Kristen brought me breakfast in bed which was a great way to wake up!! About two minutes later all three cats scrambled into the bedroom and it took about a minute before Winston discovered he could jump up behind the curtains into the window. He was soon joined by the other two and we then had fun watching the cats watching the numerous birds in the garden. I don’t think I’ve seen as many birds in the garden before. Four greenfinch, 3 or 4 GreatTits, magpie, couple of blackbirds, starlings (who seemed to have a great joy in flying straight towards the window to wind Frankie up, then veering away at the last minute). Frankie would then see if he could get into the house next door where the birds had flown too! We also had a nature show when a fly flew into a spiders web and was duly covered up and dragged off – very entertaining! And all this before 9am 🙁
Librarians in Queens are protesting about the fact they are not allowed to wear nose piercings, shorts or t-shirts whilst at work. More details at their local website.
Phew – that was a bit of a relief! I came to upload some more pictures of the cats and discovered I had no power to the usb hub. Checked the mains cable and that seemed to be ok. Then reaslised that the usb cable to the computer wasn’t plugged into the hub – oops! I guess thats what happens when you have so many cables in the computer!
Update Wrestling album now online
anyone know if Quicktime files are actually *streaming media*? Apparently they have decided that it wasnt a movie file that was the problem, but that it was streaming media…..I’m not convinced.
In other copyright news, the site that copied mine is no longer functioning.
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