Changed my blog links to use blogrolling as it seems to be pretty stable recently – that and it also gives the ability to see which blogs have recently changed (denoted by a +)
I need more sleep!
Happy Anniversary Kristen! We’ve been married three years today! Had a great night out at Swettenham arms (again) this evening with us both relaxing during the day with a pedicure and 9 holes of golf (guess which one I had!)
Back from holiday – more soon. I’m off golfing tomorrow so hope the weather holds out!
Find out whats new in Google
Create your own barcode. Would be interesting to see if you could create a barcode scanner navigation tool using a scanner to do your navigation and send the output to your browser….Then play with tins of beans and things to “random surf”….now there’s a marketable idea i’m sure!
Seeing as though Blogchalk is back, here’s my post again.
Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, United Kingdom, Congleton, Cheshire, Andy, Male, 26-30!
wqoohoo – 8 days off work (it feels like it should be longer than that). But if you are a burglar then i’ll still be at home some of the time and the evil cats will still be there….they have claws too – four sets each!
Blogchalking seems to be down at the moment, so the link is removed for the time being.
14 months after finishing my Java course and handing in the course work, I’ve still no results from Stoke On Trent College! Anyone who is thinking about studying with them – I would strongly advise you to not bother – especially if you have to rely on the qualifications to get a job. I logged a formal complaint back in March – and am still waiting for results. A snotty email was sent to them tonight asking what the latest excuse is. If anyone else knows where to complain to now then let me know!
An interesting new bot appeared in my web logs overnight called Slysearch.. From the sounds of it, this will enable teachers to compare submitted work to pieces on the internet to see if someone has done some plagiarising (sp??)