Bigfoot are now asking for users of the free service to accept advertising 🙁
Their email states the following:- While other internet companies have shut down, we have continued to offer our free email forwarding service at 25 emails forwarded to your account daily. However, due to the costs involved as explained above, this must be supported by third party advertising.You are currently opted out of partner advertising, but still enjoy the free service. We must then require you to opt back in for us to continue serving you.Rest assured, you will only receive relevant product information suited for your business needs.
Yeah right…..most of the spam i get is to the bigfoot address! I’m glad that I can now host my own email forwarding solution to multiple email accounts (which is what I was using bigfoot for anyway!)
Of similar interest to the previous post, is a note of the DOT’s website stating their intentions (and if I read it correctly the conclusion) to ban the use of radar detectors in cars. I thought this was actually legal now, but it doesn’t look like it….
Yet again there is a call for mobiles to be banned in the uk whilst driving. Personally I think its a great idea, even though I do use a mobile whilst driving – with the hands free kit. there is not much difference between using that, and talking to someone else in the car and uses less hands than smoking does (which I also think should be banned if phone use is banned) I have seen far too many people driving like a lunatic with a phone to the ear, although with the hands free kit, the dangerous bit is dialing the numbers (unless you have voice activated dialing on the phone)
Interestingly on the Department of Transport’s page, is the following quote “[Employers:]Do not ask your staff to carry out two demanding tasks at the same time. It can be an offence for employers to require employees to use mobile phones while driving – you are asking them to drive while not in proper control of the vehicle[1]. ”
Winamp3 is out – and looks really nice. BlogAmp doesn’t work with it though 🙁
The new version 2.1 – of ConquerCam is now available. Webcam page has the latest pic taken with this software.
Google came to the rescue tonight. It was decided, after much discussion that our last meal together would be at a pub…..but then we couldn’t decide on which pub to eat at. A quick Google Search later, and I found the Pub Food Guide for Congleton which had the Brownlow Pub near Congleton. (A pub we had driven past, but never stopped to eat at. The food was excellent and very reasonably priced too (there is a menu and information on the pub at their website
grrr – something has changed on my host as certain pages dont work anymore…emergency fixing in progress – someone pass the duct tape.
Basil is still sick so I have to wait for the vets to open and take him in. He’s not eaten for over a day and is very lethargic – not his usual spazzy bazzy 🙁
An amazing article about reading someones face and working out whether they are lying or not and other psychological things.
Thanks MicroContent
Hmmm – I got a letter today from the dot tk company – the place that lets you have your own free .tk domain. As I have not had many hits through the URL they are releasing the domain back into the wild….OR I could buy the domain…..Call me cynical, but this sounds like a marketing exercise…It would be interesting to know if people have had LOTS of hits, and therefore have to pay to continue with the registration. Looking at the site they do say that they need 30 unique hits every 90 days 🙁 so I guess I can’t complain (that and it was free).
Note however, that due to this restriction i would certainly not recommend it for a permanent domain