The fireworks have started – and its only two months until Guy Fawkes day. So I’ve had Basil and Frankie running around the room everytime one explodes. I think Basil is scared as he’s now curled up on my wrists hovering over the laptop keyboard! Makes it pretty hard to type
Now that Neil has been reading my blog and says its cool *shucks* he’s added it to his blogroll. Remember that if you have a blogroll you can add my site to yours by clicking here and your website will also have a note to say that its been updated, just like Neil’s does now. And if you are reading this Neil, you need to comment on a post by clicking on the comment underneath the item 🙂
have a good deal at the moment with a free Siemens C45, free connection and free 12 months connection to T-Mobiles 20 minutes per month free…..Apart from paying up front and getting the cash back after three months I’m not sure what the catch is! Sounds good….
Spamnet 6c is now available for installation. Probably has for some time, but the autoupdate facility in version 6b didn’t seem to work 🙁
A user of ebay in Germany was selling his motherboard. Instead of photographing the motherboard he was selling , he used links to pictures of the same motherboard from a review on a hardware review web site. They found out and decided to have their revenge 🙂
Does anyone else who visits Kelly’s page get Adobe Acrobat reader fire up automatically? I’ve no idea why it does it on my computer.
Microsoft now have a patch available to fix the secure sockets problem where a secure website could be spoofed.
I now have a Guestmap to the site – similar to a guestbook but which also shows locations around the world!
If you do a lot of work with style sheets (and if not why not?) then this browser add on may be of use to you. It allows you to right click on a web page and bring up a list of stylesheets and then edit them in your favourite css editor (ie topstyle!).
This will be installed on my pc at work tomorrow!
Heard on the news today that the government have finally backed down and are allowing non police checked people to teach in the schools due to the backlog of unchecked teachers. Some schools in our local area have had to close as they’ve not been able to get their staff checked before the school term started. Why on earth did the government decide to insist on this rule without having the staff available to run the checks? Now there are potentially teachers caring for the children who have not been vetted by the police…What i’d like to know, is why did they wait until now and not do this years ago?