Is it just me or

Is it just me or does everyone have a messy (aka busy) desk? As I have a laptop and a desktop computer, a headset for the phone and am invariably working on someone elses laptop, the number of cables that are running across the desk make life a nightmare – just where can you put a cup of coffee without running the risk of spilling it over something? Decided that enough was enough today, and I asked for a cordless, optical mouse that is rechargeable and does not need a mousemat. Suprisingly they said yes, so I went and got one from Currys tonight. They reckon that the mouse is half price at thirtyfive quid – but who in their right mind would pay 70 pounds for a mouse??? I’ll probably give it a trial run on the pc at home over the weekend and report back on it over the weekend.

Catch-Up (the useful service that

Catch-Up (the useful service that I could never remember to run) has been suspended by C-Net. No suprise there as its yet another free thing on the internet gone away 🙁
Shame really as it was quite a good service, checking to see if there was any updated software on your pc. I also used it to audit all our computers in the office once, running a scan and then printing the list off.

And another thing – why

And another thing – why does my screen in WindowsME turn off when it should, but it doesn’t in 98? And before you get worried I am only running ME to backup 3.5GB onto cd, spanning across multiple disks (slowly!). I didn’t have enough space in my 98 partition to be able to do the burning. I’m using Handy Backup to do the work. I guess I’ll need to put the software on floppy so that I can do a restore at a later date. I’ll let you know how I get on – I’m on disk 3 at the moment.

Neil sent me an email

Neil sent me an email the other day but he uses myrealbox as his email account. The interesting thing is that in the past I must have had tons of spam from this domain as they are in *my* blacklist (sorry Neil I thought it was an external one!) and therefore any email from that domain is ignored! Neil reckons that they are very strict with their no-spam policy so either they have toughened up or they are just pretending to be serious about it. I’ll look through my email logs to see what spam has been trapped by them – or at least that I still have a log of.