A new web greeting card scam has been found out. Apparently when you try to install the card it installs two activex components. The small print says that by installing this app you agree to let them send emails to everyone in your address book – nice! Thanks Mike
UpdateDon’t bother sending me a card from this site as the email will be blocked (use “*you have an E-Card from* ” in your subject filter) but I will probably be changing the rule slightly to catch any change in subject to bypass this sort of filtering..
Seeing as though Blogger was hacked yesterday, I’ve changed all my ftp passwords on various machines that I post to AND changed my blogger password. If you haven’t already done so, then I’d advise you do the same. To change your blogger password, sign in – select My Team, click on yourself, edit profile and change the password. This took me some time to find as the help index pages were broken! From the sounds of it, passwords were changed to a 1 so I don’t think they got the original password but you never know!
Ever been tempted to apply for a free Whiskas KittenCare pack? (for some reason they sent me two). You will also find they sell on your email address to spammers as I’ve just received a spam from mars.com to the email address I signed up with and I NEVER tick the “yes we can pass your details on to as many lowlife spammers we can find” box
Blogger got hacked early today/yesterday – looks like even more reason to get Moveable Type installed and working!
Got Visual Basic .net standard edition through the post this morning. It took a lot less time to arrive from the supplier than it did to instal the thing (which has an estimated 2 hours and 20 minutes to go) and I started this at 9am this morning – 5 hours ago! I am not impressed with the installation routine, which decided that I must have frontpage extensions loaded on my webserver (so that took some time to install off another cd) and then I needed to install all the critical updates. Once this had been done, I got to the “yes i agree to your lousy eula notice”. Underneath that was a box to type in the serial number. Whoever designed this box was not thinking of laptop screens as the background of the form was almost the same colour as the spaces to fill in the details. As a result I wasn’t sure where to start entering the data and I actually started in the wrong field…and I’m sure you all know how annoying those 20 digit serial numbers are to type in. VB then decides it needs 500MB on my system drive (why???) and another 1.7GB on a data partition, so i had to install Partition magic to change the size of my drives, reboot and start the install again ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH
Sneak preview of new logo format
If you use MoveableType on your website and use the RSS feeds, then you need to update the templates as they are not quite correct
Got home this afternoon with a stonking headache and cold. Engineer has replaced the psu and alls well with the mail server (apart from bounced mail!). The grounds all white due to a hailstorm we had this morning and the Mobile Phone reckons it has an area code of “TEST”
Alls well with the world !
The good news about the works email server is that it looks like the emails are not bouncing, but just stacking up on the isp, as I’ve received some “Your email has been delayed” messages back to my home account. At least I won’t have people worrying about emails they should have received. It seems a suprise to some people that they could use the phone instead!
Oops! someone skimped on the price of our mail server and now the psu has gone we have to wait until tomorrow (sometime) before an engineer can come out and bring the spare part. Hopefully that is all that has gone wrong with it and its not blown the motherboard or anything. There were a couple of nasty pops and flashes this morning in the computer room!