Solved my problem with TableEditor

Solved my problem with TableEditor last night. I decided to load the database into Access and then went through the “Tools/Database Options/Convert/Save as old format” (or words to that affect) menu options and then loaded the subsequent access database onto the web. Hey Presto – it worked! Hope this helps anyone else who is getting the “database is read only” when trying to edit the main database.

HOORAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have *finally* got

HOORAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have *finally* got proof that I successfully completed my Java course last year (Jul 2001) They sent me the certificate today after I complained again on Friday that I had still not got my results of the course work. This morning I received the certificate, nice and soggy from the rain that says I passed two credits on a level 3 Open College Network course on Technical Computing, subject Java – and it was dated August 2002.. I think the college put their clocks back just a little too much!

For the past couple of

For the past couple of weeks, every second time I run something from the start/run button such as “c:\temp” I get the message “Explorer has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log has been generated.” Any one had anything similar (note that this always happens every other time I run the command, usually resulting in explorer bombing out and recreating the shell again. I also need to find this log file it is generating.

A southern girl babbled that

A southern girl babbled that her boyfriend took their dog for a walk yesterday (with photo). I was amazed at the number of people who were walking their dogs and jogging yesterday in the absolutely disgusting weather we were having. It was chucking it down with rain, bits of trees were being blown down or bowling along the road, and there were these people jogging (and getting soaked by the rain and from the spray the cars were throwing up). Before you ask, we were in the car, and I decided to turn round and go home as it was far too horrible to be outside. I spent the day doing a Terry Pratchett jigsaw. It’s only a thousand pieces, but its REALLY difficult.