Newzcrawler have just come out with version 1.3.1 This is a good release as it now no longer pops up to say there is a new rss feed on the page if you are already subscribed to it! AND it doesn’t seem to crash as much when you close it.
A humungous picture of basil (400k) in gif format. I did a quick crop to get rid of the background but am too tired to neaten it up. That and the gif file looses the definition when saved for the web. I was hoping to get some good photos of him this morning as he was looking very cute – but most of the pictures came out too dark 🙁
Jerry has had his site ripped off by someone else. Sadly it seems to be a common occurance nowadays. One guy in the comments recommends leaving a spacer gif in your code that would get picked up in your referr logs. However thinking about it – it would only work if the gif was on another site and you also got logs for this site.Otherwise, when they mirrored your webpage they would also download the gif file from the original site.
A teenager who incidentally has a criminal record has won 9.5 million quid on the lottery. Amusingly various papers are complaining and saying its an outrage and that criminals should be barred. Just where are they going to draw the line though. Would you be banned from entering if you had a speeding ticket???? What difference does it make if you have a criminal record or not? If you are mad enough to buy a ticket and waste your money then so what?
Happy Guy Fawkes Day! In completely unrelated news, I’ve shaved the beard off!
Anyone use RoadRunner cable? When they came to install the service at my parents in law they said the pc would have to have windows removed and reinstalled. Sounds like a slope job to me! I could do with finding out why they reckon this is the case and what is missing. Ideas?
Just testing my website referral engine.
The photojunkie : 300 exposures in 30 days : Version 2.0 has now started and the first ten photos are excellent!
Took the free brainbench Windows 95 navigation exam yesterday morning. (Yes I know 95 is old, but at least it proves I can remember stuff from that long ago.) The hardest bit is remembering what the 95 interface looks like as you get so used to the 98/windows 2000 interfaces. I’m sure that if I had a 95 box I would have got 100% on the exam. As it is I got a score of 3.93 – higher than 85% of previous exam takers. There are a load more tests that I think I’ll take when I get some more time. More information
Thanks to AListApart they mention that there is a bug in ie6 that cuts off cascading style sheet pages where the text just disappears. I’ve seen this happen several times. The solution is to hit F11 to reload, and the fix is to report it to Microsoft. I often wondered why it did this…and now I can’t find a page that reproduces the problem!