Almost half way through my hols – and this is the first time i’ve posted to the blog! It wasn’t until yesterday that I actually got to use a computer – and then it was to try and fix the parent-in-laws computer. We got some extra memory for the computer as it only had 64MB in – but the computer would only recognise half the chip. I suspected it was to do with the speed of the memory, and I got an email response (the same day!!!) from gateway confirming it – so it’s back to Staples this morning to swap the memory chip. I also got a 128mb card for the digital camera as I filled the 16mb one up with one day of shooting so I have loads of photos ready to be uploaded and a nice empty card to fill up again! I also get a 11 bucks rebate as the card is cheaper at compusa and staples pricematch 🙂
Newzcrawler has come out with another point release – this time to do with MT’s category API. In other news, I had a reply back from tgtsoft who do the skins thing for XP telling me to download the latest version (which I am sure I had done) but it turns out the version on the website is 1.01M but the download page is broken 🙁
Just how does one get so many heavy things into a suitcase?
Mmmmm – toast!. Unfortunately this guy doesnt get to eat any of it!
Thanks for the offer Kelly – but I don’t think I’ll be driving over there just to pick up a cheese thingy.
Just tried skinning XP for the first time today after downloading the SoSumi skin which looks really neat. However, when I tried to use it, XP gives the really helpful message of “The Theme could not load”. REALLY helpful – way to go Microsoft! Any ideas (Neil?). Whilst there I also downloaded StyleXP and that decides that it will only run on build 2600 (and others) of XP – and guess what version I am running? 2600. Brilliant! I’m beginning to wonder if there is a problem with my themes……
Any suggestions on where to go/do/eat/see/watch/listen in Chicago on Sunday Evening, Monday and Tuesday morning?
My Comments page now no longer shows email address’s on it. I don’t think it would be a problem as I’ve not had any spam come through to my (unique) email address that I had on the page. Still it’s hidden now. However I can still see it so I can contact you if necessary.
I use Spamcop to report incidents of the few spam that gets through my filters. However, The Bat plugin that I used had suddenly stopped working a few weeks ago. Took a few minutes this morning to get it working. Basically the “from” field in the email that they send you has changed and now has in (it didn’t use to have the devnull field in. Changing the Sender field to have the devnull string has made it all work!
Speaking of Amazon, it’s been so long since I placed my original order (1 month ago) that the goods are in danger of arriving whilst I am on holiday so I went to check the order. I then noticed that they are now doing a free shipping offer, saving me £4.50. I decided to recreate the order and then noticed that the totals were different! The Terry Pratchett Night Watch book was not £8.99 instead of £12.50 on the previous order and £17.99 rrp, but the Legally Blonde DVD had gone up to £15.99 instead of the bargain price of £9.99! Speaking of DVD’s we watched Ice Age last night which is hilarious. If you have not seen it yet, then it is very worth watching. The previews at the cinema looked really bad so we hadn’t gone to see it – but Kristen got the DVD from the library. Make sure you watch the extras on the disk as they are very similar to the Birds scene in Monsters Inc!
Since when has “Web Hawkins” had anything to do with “web hacking toolkit”? Don’t know? Better ask amazon then!