Oh wow – new music – Beethovens 5th – thats not too bad!
Wahey – ADS is now replicating successfully!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Microsoft even approve of it now! (I don’t approve of their on-hold music though – its driving me nuts. Now I’ve just got to fix the email service and wonder just why we need some scsi cards that won’t be here until next week at the earliest…..I hope they are not needed for the disk controllers for the servers or we really are going to be stuffed.
I just noticed that blogger has its own yahoo groups emailing list – although I don’t like yahoo for their ads (and their webinterface is a nightmare to use with the amount of ads they show) and the fact that its a spam haven (and my isp were blocking it at one time) I guess it works and is easy for people to setup. It seems that I’m not the only person who was having problems with bloggar not publishing to blogger. Works ok for me now though.
I’m sure I mentioned WinDriver’s Backup routine that backs up windows drivers but I couldn’t find it when I tried searching. WinDriversBackup can be used to restore from scratch when you have no idea what hardware was on your pc – but then you did download Belarc Advisor didn’t you?
Stafforshire University are doing a MSc in “Electronic Commerce” – sounds interesting!
Both Windows 2000 servers are now online and joined in the active directory and happily replicating away. unfortunately exchange won’t install on the server either because we blew away the server details in AD to get the server to join the domain or because I had notification monitoring running on the server (this can cause the setup routine to crash!) However, when I hit the cancel installation it just cancelled that section of the install so I no longer know whether exchange is installed or not. I guess not seeing as though its not working and won’t let me restore the databases. Back over to Microsoft again 🙁
We got one of our W2k servers joining the domain yesterday. After having spent the best part of 5 days trying to work out how to get a domain controller out of its broken active directory domain and joining the *real* AD domain we managed to do it – and without Microsoft’s £185 help (ok – we asked for help but it was our guy who found the solution but we are very grateful for your help MS!). It involved setting the HKLM/currentcontolset/control/productoptions/producttype regkey so that the server read ServerNT instead of LanmanNT. A reboot later and the server now thinks its just a domain controller. Then ADSIEdit was used to remove the server from Active Directory on the live sites, the server renamed into a different workgroup,rebooted, dcpromo’d as a DC as the first controller in a new domain/forest. Rebooted, dcpromo’d back as a standalone server, rebooted and then dcpromo’d back into the original domain. Hey presto – the server synched ok. For those of you more interested in this I will be writing up my experiences and posting them somewhere on this site so hopefully no-one else will have to go through the pain again! I now have to repeat the whole process on our email server and then I can install exchange in disaster recovery mode (a whole new ball game) and hopefully we’ll be back to email again soon. 5 days is *far* to long to do a restore and MS’s solution at the time was looking more and more like it was going to have to be a reinstall – not something I was looking forward to and makes you wonder why you backed up! Fortunately as you can see we seem to have made some more progress.
WinNT = workstation
ServerNT = Member server (will allow dc promo to promote)
LanmanNT = Domain controller (will allow dcpromo to demote)
I’ve started seeing quite a few notes about Gladiator Anti Virus software. This is free software, I guess similar to AVG but is currently in Alpha testing at the moment. If you don’t have any anti-virus then a) you are mad and b) go get some now! I am not downloading it as I already have a free copy of Norton Anti-VIrus with my ADSL connection and its not a good idea to have two av programs on the pc. I might put it on one of my w2k servers to try it out though.
I wish there was a way of creating your own security levels in ie. I have basically turned flash to prompt in my security settings now as I am fed up of getting those annoying banners. However, one of my regular visits uses flash for an advert, so everytime i load the page up it loads flash. What I want is a zone where I can set download flash stuff to NO but still allow the posting of forms…Anyone got ideas of how to do this? The sites don’t really fit in any of the standard ie security zones.
oops – i think i’ve worked out how to crash my isp’s website by going to a particular url…..no I’m not going to tell you *what* url it is!