Windows 2000 course went really well – now theres a couple of weeks cramming and then two exams – Server and Professional and I’ll be two exams into the windows 2000 MSCE. Now all i’ve got to do is get a w2k network at home and – oh yes – pass the things!
Month: December 2002
Windows 2000 course went really well – now theres a couple of weeks cramming and then two exams – Server and Professional and I’ll be two exams into the windows 2000 MSCE. Now all i’ve got to do is get a w2k network at home and – oh yes – pass the things!
I’m at a Windows2000 training course this week, hence the reason for no posts so far…..One of the things we were looking at yesterday was the makeup of short file names for long named files for backwards compatibility. Being the curious sort (also sad according to the instructor) I decided to create 68000 files to see if the name changed to a ~2 at the end of the filename after 65000(ish) files. Left it running at 3pm yesterday and it was at 38000 this morning – i think it stopped overnight when the screen was locked. It is now running extremely slowly and sometimes takes 20 seconds just to copy a 20 byte file – mind you sometimes it does 1 file a second – weird!
Kristen wants X-Files Series 1 on DVD for Christmas, which so far seems to be the cheapest at for £70!!!. Any other places to look?
Argggh! Now that I’ve made the decision to go for my MCSE (as it looks like you practically have to have this now to get a job) Microsoft have announced that they are going to do a different MCSE for .NET according to the MCP magazine online.
New photos from the holiday in the States online in the album section
I won again – this time a copy of the Full Monty on DVD….still no sign of a winning car though 🙁
After deciding that I really *needed* a dell pocketpc and then finding out that there was a two week shipping delay on getting one (when I only had two days left on holiday in the states) I got back to the UK and read the computer magazines. Apparently we have to wait until February until the same model is available over here, and I reckon it will probably be the same price in pounds as it is in dollars over there – grrrrrr
On other USA/UK timescales, it was interesting to see that the IceAge film had not yet been released to dvd/video until last Monday, yet we had seen it two weeks previously over here. If you’ve not seen it yet – then rent it as it is extremely funny. The trailers in the cinema looked pants but it really is worth watching.
For the techies amongst you who run ad-aware programs and have had the misfortune to also download the Common Name Toolbar or CNBabe scumware, then apparently you should only use Search and Destroy to remove this due to the change to winsock programs that the scumware make but only Search and Destroy can fix. I’ve done a quick search on google this morning but not been able to find any more details about this at the moment. I guess it could be too new to have hit google yet.