Month: October 2002

The wireless mouse worked really

The wireless mouse worked really well on the home pc using WindowsXP – I’m not as impressed with it on the office pc, using Windows 2000 on a wood grain effect wooden desk. The mouse constantly jitters around all the time – I guess the grain is effecting the mouse. I don’t think I have the shakes! Put the mouse on a mousemat, and it works really well though – but I thought the point of an optical mouse was that you didn’t need a mousemat!

Is it just me or

Is it just me or does everyone have a messy (aka busy) desk? As I have a laptop and a desktop computer, a headset for the phone and am invariably working on someone elses laptop, the number of cables that are running across the desk make life a nightmare – just where can you put a cup of coffee without running the risk of spilling it over something? Decided that enough was enough today, and I asked for a cordless, optical mouse that is rechargeable and does not need a mousemat. Suprisingly they said yes, so I went and got one from Currys tonight. They reckon that the mouse is half price at thirtyfive quid – but who in their right mind would pay 70 pounds for a mouse??? I’ll probably give it a trial run on the pc at home over the weekend and report back on it over the weekend.

Catch-Up (the useful service that

Catch-Up (the useful service that I could never remember to run) has been suspended by C-Net. No suprise there as its yet another free thing on the internet gone away 🙁
Shame really as it was quite a good service, checking to see if there was any updated software on your pc. I also used it to audit all our computers in the office once, running a scan and then printing the list off.

And another thing – why

And another thing – why does my screen in WindowsME turn off when it should, but it doesn’t in 98? And before you get worried I am only running ME to backup 3.5GB onto cd, spanning across multiple disks (slowly!). I didn’t have enough space in my 98 partition to be able to do the burning. I’m using Handy Backup to do the work. I guess I’ll need to put the software on floppy so that I can do a restore at a later date. I’ll let you know how I get on – I’m on disk 3 at the moment.