February 27, 2007

Grace Ministers' Fraternal, Rainhill

Five times each year, Trinity Evangelical Church, Rainhill hosts the Grace Ministers' Fraternal, a gathering of reformed pastors from around the Merseyside/Greater Manchester/Cheshire area. We meet for a morning of fellowship comprising bible teaching, prayer, the sharing of news and matters of pastoral encouragement, culminating in lunch together.

This morning I had the privilege of preaching a paper based upon Hebrews 10: 19 - 25. It was good to share with the men, and I at least benefitted from its preparation and delivery.

Gary Brady (Pastor at Childs Hill Baptist Church in London) has written a helpful series of blog entries dealing with the purposes and potential blessings derived from meeting together in this way.

It was good to meet and to renew fellowship!

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Posted by Danny at February 27, 2007 6:44 PM | TrackBack
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