November 24, 2006

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

Next Sunday, December 3rd, we intend to hold a service of baptism at Sandbach High School. So far, six people are hoping to be baptised - Sarah and Tony Baskerville, David Lea, Barry Patterson, Abi Mackenzie, and Josh Foulkes.

We have borrowed a portable baptistry (it looks like a sheep dip!), and have permission to hold the service in the main hall during our morning meeting at 10.30am.

Please would you pray for our friends as they prepare to bear testimony to the grace of God at work in their lives. Each one has their own story of how God has dealt with them, and it has been a real privilege taking them through preparatory sessions dealing with the meaning and significance of baptism, the right recipients and mode of baptism, and the ongoing responsibility that it is to be a soldier of Jesus Christ rather than simply a spectator at church.

I shared this thought with some of them this week:

"If it be so, that true religion lies much in the affections, hence we may infer, that such means are to be desired, as have much of a tendency to move the affections. Such books, and such a way of preaching the word, and administration of ordinances, and such a way of worshipping God in prayer, and singing praises, is much to be desired, as has a tendency deeply to affect the hearts of those who attend these means.

Such a kind of means would formerly have been highly approved of, and applauded by the generality of the people of the land, as the most excellent and profitable, and having the greatest tendency to promote the ends of the means of grace. But the prevailing taste seems of late strangely to be altered..."

" is true, that for any to expect to receive the saving influences of the Spirit of God, while they neglect a diligent improvement of the appointed means of grace, is unreasonable presumption."

We must work at growth! We need his Word, his Church, and his Spirit to help us!

How vital it is that we who have made such a public statement to the change God has made in our hearts, go on to display and parade holy lives before a watching world.

Pray not only for them, but for all of us at WHBC that we would shine in our dark world.

Our intention is to have a church lunch directly after the service of baptism, held also at the school, so please stay! If you are able to help by bringing something edible to share with others - perhaps a plate of sandwiches, a trifle, or something else, please see John Roberts.

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Posted by Danny at November 24, 2006 10:44 PM | TrackBack
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