Archived blog

  • 5 years in America.

    It wasn’t until Wednesday when someone asked me where I was from and how long I had been here (within about 3 seconds of me speaking on the phone) that I realised that Tuesday was our 5 year anniversary of moving over to the States. Time has flown by really quickly (as opposed to flying…

  • Sometimes Daylight Savings Time can be useful

    This morning is about the only time I’ve been relieved we have the Spring Forward version of Daylight Savings Time. I woke up at about half past three this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I eventually got up – the great thing about DST is that it was really half past four…

  • Another sneezing weekend.

    Today is the last day of a long weekend (I had Friday off) and it’s felt like a looong weekend. As usual I’ve ended up with a cold for my time off. I’m pretty sure the body relaxes when I get a break and so does the immune system 🙁 With the amount of snow…

  • A Geek Christmas carol is now available for download.

    Our FriendsInTech production of A Geek Christmas Carol is now available for listening – enjoy and let us know what you think of it. Previous productions are also available to listen to.

  • Machine guns in Helsby – over a bird?

    I have a google alert that keeps track of the mention Helsby – partly to see if I’m mentioned somewhere on the web and also to keep track of other Helsby’s and also the town Helsby in the UK. There was a recent article the other day where police were called, with machine guns, to…

  • Chihuly pictures posted online

    Last Sunday afternoon I took Kristen out on a surprise trip to the Columbus Museum of Art Chihuly Illuminated exhibit as it was a family day and had extra events going on. What I didn’t know what that the family day meant the $10 entrance fee was waived which was excellent as it the exhibit…

  • Happy Anniversary Luv!

    It’s our tenth wedding anniversary today – time flies by so fast. We’re off to a nice restaurant tonight to celebrate. Thought I’d add one of my favourite photos from our wedding all those years ago.

  • Kristen is no longer in quarantine!

    Kristen was due to go into quarantine for the next 10 days as she undergoes tests to ensure that the cancer in her thyroid has completely gone. They give her some radioactive iodine to swallow which means she is not allowed to be near people. It now turns out that the isotope she is going…

  • Funny Maru video

    Kristen forwarded me a link to a new Maru video -very funny and worth 3 minutes of your time to watch – I think we might be purchasing some new bins for our cats soon…..

  • Swine bugs….

    It’s been hot in the house the past couple of nights and last night it was really difficult to get to sleep. Kristen called the AC man out today and he arrived this afternoon which was nice. After looking at the unit inside and the thermostat he went outside to the unit that was not…

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