Category: photos

  • UK bill to provide photographer protection.

    Interesting news that a politician is actually doing something useful for once and is trying to get a bill that basically provides more protection from police harassment to photographers taking pictures on the street. There have been several cases where people have been stopped for taking pictures in public – the silliest one being a…

  • Shrove Tuesday pancakes.

    Today is Shrove Tuesday or commonly known as pancake day in the UK. A special day in the Helsby household due to the connections with the Olney pancake race that mum ran in a long time ago. Last year Dad apparently ran in his local pancake race too. This year I just tossed the pancakes…

  • Flickr Southern Theatre Tour

    I had a really good time at the Southern Theater yesterday with the Flickr Group – I think there was about 50-60 people there so you had to be careful about who you were stepping in front of but it was fun. I’ve not captioned the 60 photo’s I am in the process of uploading…

  • Photography workflow.

    I think my daily picture taking process should get a bit easier now. Up until now I’ve been ejecting the compact flash, SD or XD card from the camera and then putting it in the card reader. However tonight I plugged the Canon into the usb cable and saw it come up as a mobile…

  • My first ski session.

    A bunch of us from work are going skiing tonight – it starts at 10pm and finishes at 3am (and then we have a 45 min drive home). I’m really looking forward to it as I’ve never been skiing before. Always wanted to go but it probably wouldn’t have been as much fun on my…

  • PicADay

    I’m going to try and post a photo a day on Flickr this year – not sure how long this will last but I’ll give it a go. The last 7 photos will appear in the left hand sidebar on the website and you can also subscribe to the photos in a RSS reader too.