Category: photos

  • Back to the zoo.

    It’s been a long time since I posted anything on this website due to a variety of reasons. However, I’ve worked tons of overtime this week so I decided to take the day off, enjoy the gorgeous weather and relax at the zoo. I picked up the camera and spent about 4 hours at the…

  • Chihuly pictures posted online

    Last Sunday afternoon I took Kristen out on a surprise trip to the Columbus Museum of Art Chihuly Illuminated exhibit as it was a family day and had extra events going on. What I didn’t know what that the family day meant the $10 entrance fee was waived which was excellent as it the exhibit…

  • Flickr images now included in the rss feed.

    I’ve changed the settings on my RSS feed now to include the last 5 images from my Absoblogginlutely Flickr account. So I guess I need to upload some more photo’s.  I’ve not actually taken very many recently although last year was pretty productive in my photography growth. I had some photos published in the church…

  • Homeward bound.

    We’re heading back to Ohio today. The weather makes it nicer to leave at 5.30am when it is chucking it down with rain and being really windy – makes you feel you are not missing much beach weather. On the down side, it means you have to drive through wind and rain – ugh. Sometimes…

  • Ur doin it rong.

    Today’s lolcat had a funny picture – all the more funny as the litter box in this photo is the same kind that we got – thankfully none of our cats have tried this yet.

  • More balloon photos uploaded.

    This morning I got up early (especially for a Saturday) at 6am and headed out to Marysville Airport where there was hopefully going to be an unofficial balloon launch.  I had no idea what time they were going to launch, but as I was driving down the road I was overtaken by a van with…

  • British Invasion pictures uploaded too.

    I’ve uploaded the photos from the British Invasion concert held in Dublin, Ohio from 27th July. The band plays a mixture of English hits such as the Beatles, Rolling stones etc. They are very good and also played at the Balloon glow last night too which was an added bonus.  For more information see the…

  • Balloons off Broadway 2008 pictures up.

    Yesterday I went to Balloons off Broadway 2008 and took loads of photos. Some of them are uploaded to my Balloons off Broadway Flickr set  This was the first time I had been out shooting and filled up my (2gb) memory card. There were several factors to blame. The first was that I still had…

  • New car (to us)

    I forgot to post in the blog (Kristen beat me to it) that we have a new car – bHelsbyBug. This name came about after a guy at Siemens used to call me beHelsbyBub – something I thought rather amusing, and therefore the car is now known as this too. Pictures of bHelsbyBug are uploaded…

  • Goodbyes 🙁

    Saturday was sad as we had to say goodbye to the Velez’s who were going back to Oregon.  We caught up with them for breakfast in Panera.  Kristen gave Josiah a toy cellphone – almost identical to Tracey’s, which was a big hit. Hopefully the  noises it makes doesn’t drive them batty on the long…