Happy Birthday – now here’s a bill!

It’s been a busy week – so much so, that I’ve not even had a chance to blog the fact that it was my birthday a week ago! Even the birthday was long as I woke up at 4am, got up at 5 after giving up on getting back to sleep and then got paged (as I was on call) when some servers failed to come back up properly after a reboot.
Kristen and I went to the cinema to see Watchmen which is the worst film I’ve ever seen – do not go see it – and what made it worse was that we paid extra to see it on the imax, which means we saw even larger “blue bits” (trying to keep this blog family friendly).
Kristen got me a copy of Ivor – one of the dvd’s we had watched recently, which is great – well worth watching if you’ve not seen it already. I especially like John Cleese as the mad scientist yelling “Igor – Pull the switch!”
I also got a glow in the dark batman tshirt from my brother and sister in law which is also cool – I’ve ended up with a “batman thing” after getting the nickname Batman at work. I’m glad I got this nickname as some of the other nicknames are not as complimentary! I also got some money which I’m putting into savings at the moment but we’ll probably put towards a new bed (or chiropractor appointments!)

Update Doh – I just realised that I forgot to blog about the whole point of the title of this post….So in the USA you have to get your car tags renewed every year on your birthday. Makes sense, but it’s a sucky birthday present, especially when the tags cost $84 for 1 little red sticker.  Then as I handed over my licence as proof of identity the clerk asked me if I realised my licence was about to expire. I said No and he mentioned it expired on my birthday (ie that day) so I had to get my licence renewed by taking an easy vision test and having my photo taken – another $24 – so that is what my birthday money was spent on 🙁





3 responses to “Happy Birthday – now here’s a bill!”

  1. ione Avatar

    Happy Belated Birthday Andy 🙂

  2. Ron Avatar

    Happy Belated Birthday, Andy.

  3. Jonathan B Avatar
    Jonathan B

    Happy belated birthday here too, Andy. And yeesh, such a variety of fun governmental gifts on your birthday 😛

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