It’s raining again!

Woke up this morning (at 4am) to the sound of thunder and then a short while later to bright flashes of lightning.  The thunder continued to about 6.30 and so I’ve been up for ages.  It’s still raining and it is too depressing to look out of the window and attempt to see the sea.  On the bright side I’m tanking through some of the books in the house – I’ve already read three books and am about about a third of the way through the fourth.  So far we’ve managed to get down to the beach for about 50% of the days we’ve been here – the funny thing is when the hurricane hit they didn’t bother to put the red flags up on the beach to forbid swimming – but the day after, when there looked like there were some nice waves, the flags were flying.  The following day the flags were down though so I borrowed the boogie board and went into the surf.  The waves were pretty rough and totally wiped you out after about 10 minutes in the water – I went in about 3 times, lost my baseball hat in the waves  and spent the rest of the time in the shade of the umbrella catching up on the reading. Still managed to get (a little) sunburnt though – the worst of it being on the top of my feet and the back of my hands.  Hopefully this doesn’t continue and I don’t come back to the office looking like a lobster!  I’ve posted the sunset pictures taken after Hurricane Hanna – so far we’ve not had other nice sunsets – the sun has just set rapidly without any nice cloud patterns or colours.

We’ve seen a fair amount of wildlife, several lizards, one deer in the backyard, dolphins at sea and everyone else has seen the local fox – I’ve not seen it yet 🙁






One response to “It’s raining again!”

  1. ione Avatar

    Hey hope you guys have a great time despite the weather. Read a book for me too.

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