Having been tagged twice, I really ought to respond to the gauntlet thrown by Andy and Kristen. Even Paul is now getting in on the act. Hmph.
Perhaps it will usher in a whole new era of blogging. Perhaps it won't. Anyway, here goes.
Seven Things I Plan (God Willing) To Do Before I Die
1. Leave a spiritual legacy that people remember as being faithful, balanced, and passionate.
2. See my children into stable, spiritual maturity as useful Christian adults.
3. See an interdependent network of spiritually deep, structurally competent, and numerically strong bible-centred churches planted across South Cheshire.
4. Finally have time to complete postgraduate studies in theology.
5. Take two holidays. Although I struggle with the concept of holidays, I would really like to spend a fortnight each seeing Norway and it's fjords and New England in the Fall/Autumn with my family. Hardly likely, but still - we all have a secret something. Not secret now, huh?
6. Get back below 11st in weight.
Will six do?
Seven Things I Can Do
1. Grow a beard. After despairing that my hormones and follicles would ever kick in, I am now satisfactorily hirsuite.
2. Quote huge sections of Fawlty Towers verbatim.
3. Get by reasonably well in pidgin French/Spanish 'without having to spend the whole morning asking one another directions to the beach in uncomfortably loud voices. Just don't ask me to take a physiology class or direct a light opera'. Recognise the quote? Answers on a postcard...
4. Play guitar well enough to enthusiastically lead people in singing - so long as it is in the chord of G or C.
5. Survive on about 5 hours sleep per night.
6. Drive a car.
7. Speed read.
Seven Things I Can Not Do
1. Blog with any meaningful regularity.
2. Say no to people (even when I know that I will regret it later).
3. Remember even basic information unless I write it down immediately.
4. Be only vaguely interested in something. If I am interested, I want to know everything about it that there is to know. Perhaps I have a touch of OCD.
5. Eat baked beans in tomato sauce on the same plate as chips/french fries. They are not allowed to touch each other. OCD?
6. Simple DIY and/or basic domestic jobs. Actually, my problem is inexperience, confidence and time, rather than practical inability.
7. Understand my handwriting if any time has elapsed between writing something and then needing to recall the information.
Seven Things I Find Attractive About My Wife
1. She is, and has been for more than 20 years, my best friend.
2. Her unfailing ability to put myself and our children before herself.
3. Her ability as a Christian wife to follow my lead, even when I am wrong, or she knows better.
4. We have both physically changed a little since we were first manacled together, but I am more attracted to her now than I ever have been. She is like cheese - gets better with age (hehe).
5. The way that she enables me to serve God's people, even when it means that her needs repeatedly come last.
6. Her strength (of character, not physique...). Women should have personality and be able to express their views strongly. I could never have married a 'wimpy' woman (no offence to any wimpy women who may be reading).
7. Her sense of humour.
Seven Things I Say The Most
1. Tremendous.
2. Cool. (How sad and 70's is that... ?)
3. I will want that hour when I am dying.
4. Son, don't do that.
5. Put the dog out.
6. He/she is mad as a balloon.
7. Praise the Lord.
I could continue...
Seven Books I Love
1. The Bible
2. The 1689 Confession of Faith
3. The Pleasures of God - John Piper
4. Desiring God - John Piper
5. The Sovereignty of God - A W Pink
6. God, Revelation, and Authority - C F H Henry
7. The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs - March, Greenfield and Layton
Seven people I would like to see take the quiz
This assumes that you have seven friends.
Posted by pencils at September 6, 2005 06:22 PM | TrackBackThanks for posting. Glad to see you back and I didn't know balloons were mad :-)
Posted by: Andy at September 16, 2005 06:34 PMGood one. You forgot "But that's okay" though!
Posted by: Olgadapolga at September 9, 2005 11:51 PMShocking, huh?
Perhaps I should have nominated you as the first of my seven...
Posted by: pencils at September 7, 2005 04:42 PMWow! You're posting again!
Posted by: Al at September 7, 2005 02:37 PM