If only Jesus had this resource when he spoke to that Samaritan woman back in John 4. She would have got the gist far more quickly.
I particularly like the Holy Fire Scarf and the Blood Banner. We should order a boxful to go with the chiffon dresses, blouson leotards, hahal streamers and Glory Hoops.
One user had this to say:
Dear Sue:
To encourge you - Someone saw angels not people waving the standards in our church a couple of weeks ago. Someone else who took one only because no one else would, said her arm was just moved as she held it!
Sylvia Deall
Sydney, Australia 8/4/00
Another had this direct word from God:
Dear David,
Here is the dream/vision the Lord gave me - I think it was a vision because it was broad daylight and I was awake when it happened but it is such a clear picture it doesn't matter how it happened.
The Lord had lead me in the past to be involved in Prayer-walks of our area... I was praying about the area where the church is (North west suburbs of Brisbane) and what He wanted me to do. I got this picture of me on my push bike riding down the streets surrounding the church with one of your banners on the back of my bike - all the while praying for the houses and areas I was passing...
It was so profoundly moving, that I was humbled with a hush and goose bumps all over as God frequently gives me when I sense his presence. Then I was overcome with the wisdom of it that I was just praising God in the shower at the top of my voice...
Later whenever anyone mentioned prayerwalking in our church, I again saw the same picture and each day I could easily recall it in my prayers for the future of our area.
So now I'm ordering my banner and and marking out the territory, getting together a spiritual map of our area and am going to do what the Lord has given my hands to do with all my heart and all his strength.
Carolyn Eaton
St Jude's Anglican Community - Brisbane, Australia
What are we waiting for? We have territory to mark out!
Posted by pencils at May 29, 2004 05:49 PM