January 27, 2004

Uttar-ly Barking

The problem with an honest journal is that you have everything warts and all. It can be very messy to read. Today's entry is the first for a couple of days because I have spent a great deal of time in prayer and seeking God's face for guidance and wisdom. Journalling/blogging has taken a firm back seat to prayerful contemplation.

The problem I have is this: there is a work of God going on here. OK so far. 1500 dalit leaders from many Indian provinces are here to develop their leadership skills and be instructed in God's Word. They are victims of India's caste system, and are committed to seeing their regions won for the gospel. Marvellous so far!

The difficulty I have is that the leadership of UP Missions is extremely charismatic. I have been told very plainly that 'God only blesses Charismatic churches', that 'more than 90% of growing churches worldwide are charismatic - doesn't that tell you something about how God is working?', and that 'our methodology is just as important as our theology'. Hmmm.

I never want to become one of those narrow, negative, witch-hunting ministers who refuses to play ball with anybody that dares to disagree over secondary issues. My reformed theology should warm my heart not chill my affections. I am prepared to fight for the right of my charismatic friends to be able to express their faith.

That said, I am concerned for truth. An obsession with the miraculous is not a healthy thing. An expectation of tongues, prophecy and exorcisms as a necessary vehicle for Power Evangelism smacks of Wimberism rather than anything else. The imbalance here is coming from the top rather than from the immature believers at grassroots. Sharing my concerns in a gentle way hasn't dispelled my fears. Nor has it discouraged the brothers from wanting to include me in practices with which I am uncomfortable. I am, after all that I have seen, still a convinced cessationist.

Tonight we had a service of 'Impartation'. It was the culmination of a day of teaching about the Holy Spirit and his gifts - with particular emphasis upon receiving tongues, miracles and prophecy. We missed all of that because we were preaching at meetings not far from the church where Praying Hyde ministered. It had been a good day for the two of us, with many positive responses to the gospel.

We returned to just shy of 2000 people wildly handwaving and being 'imparted' spiritual gifts by prayer and laying on of hands. The clear expectation was that the brothers and sisters would receive gifts of tongues, prophecy and miracles in addition to any other gifts God might be pleased to dispense. Those who prayed over everyone in the tent were the leaders of the UPM and the folk from UK. Merv and I were also invited to take part. We politely declined - to the amazement of our UP Mission friends.

Alongside the mantra-like repetitive singing, there was much anointing with cooking oil and some slayings.

Barking, quite barking.

Posted by pencils at January 27, 2004 04:33 PM | TrackBack
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